
How To Provide Emotional Support for Loved Ones Dealing with the Challenges of Memory Loss and Aging?

Social Worker Debbie Breitbard

The holiday of Channukah involves getting together of the entire family, “a candle for a man and his household”. However, for a person sick with complex disease or a person with dementia, this is a deviation from their normal daily schedule, which can be disorienting and disturbing. With the proper conduct, this day can be a deep source of connection with the family and past memories for these people. This essay offers practical guidelines for dealing with this situation and assists in building a supportive, inclusive environment for a person with dementia.
Ahead of the high holidays, Tzohar Ad 120 convened a webinar to discuss the unique challenges facing families with loves one suffering from dementia.

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Rabbi Uriel Ganzel, and Rabbi Shaul Bruchi

This online session was held in collaboration with EMDA (Israel’s Alzheimer’s Assocation) featuring Dr. Dana Peer, a respected gerontologist and occupational therapist alongside Rabbi Yuval Cherlow. The session provided insight into the ethical and halachic challenges in caring for loved ones with dementia.

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Rabbi Uriel Ganzel, Rabbi Shaul Baruchi

Chapter 21 from the booklet The Halakhot of Treating a Terminally Ill Patient and a Patient Suffering From Dementia

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Rabbi Uriel Ganzel, Rabbi Shaul Baruchi

Chapter 20 from the booklet The Halakhot of Treating a Terminally Ill Patient and a Patient Suffering From Dementia

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Rabbi Uriel Ganzel, Rabbi Shaul Baruchi

Chapter 19 from the booklet The Halakhot of Treating a Terminally Ill Patient and a Patient Suffering From Dementia

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Rabbi Uriel Ganzel, Rabbi Shaul Baruchi

Chapter 18 from the booklet The Halakhot of Treating a Terminally Ill Patient and a Patient Suffering From Dementia

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Rabbi Uriel Ganzel, Rabbi Shaul Baruchi

Chapter 17 from the booklet The Halakhot of Treating a Terminally Ill Patient and a Patient Suffering From Dementia

Especially in this difficult time,
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