Questions and Answers

שאלות בנושא

Last questions

Can medical professionals ethically justify feeding a patient through a feeding tube against the family’s wishes? >>
Lashon Hara About Our Mother with Dementia >>
Mother Refuses to Acknowledge Her Dementia. What Should I Do? >>
What is the Jewish Position on burning the body of the dead? What is known >>
Transporting a Dementia Patient by a Non-Jewish Caretaker on a Holiday >>
Telephone Calls on Rosh Hashanah with a Dementia Patient >>
Can a Person with Dementia Light Candles on Rosh Hashanah? >>
How should one pray for a person enduring severe pain and suffering? >>
Telling the Truth to a Terminal Patient >>
Is a Parkinson’s Patient Who Does Not Put on Tefillin Falsely Testifying in Shema? >>
What Should Hospital Policy Be Regarding the Terminally Ill? >>
My Mother Needs My Help Daily but It Impacts My Relationship with My Husband. What Should I Do? >>
Is One Allowed to Publicize Pictures of Infirm Parents? >>
My Parents Requested Not to Receive Artificial Nutrition if They Require It, and the Rabbi Told Me This is Prohibited. What Should I Do? >>
Should I Convince My Parents to Get a COVID Vaccine? >>
Is One Obligated to Live Near Their Parents? >>
How Should Siblings Divide Honoring Their Parents? >>
Is It Permissible for a Patient to Pray After the Time for Kriyat Shema and Shacharit >>
Should We Encourage a Dying Person to Say Confessional? >>
Should We Disconnect Our Father from a Respirator? >>
Is a Sick Person Able to Pray Without Going to the Bathroom? >>
I Want My Mother to Live with Us but My Husband Refuses >>
Is Selling Organs for Transplantation Ethical? >>
Caring for Our Parents Impacts Caring for Our Kids. What Should We Do? >>
Should We Answer the Phone on Shabbat if the Call Could Be from the Hospital? >>
How Should We Decide How to Treat Our Father? >>
Abstaining from Treating the Terminally Ill >>
Do I Need to Try to Recover from Cancer? >>
Donation of Postmortem Brain Biopsies for Dementia Research >>
Disconnection of the Terminally Ill from Mechanical Ventilators >>
Disconnection of the Terminally Ill from Mechanical Ventilators >>
Can one secretly give their elderly mother medicine? >>
Not Receiving Medical Care – Passive Euthanasia >>
Ending Life Prolonging Therapy >>
If coronavirus mainly affects the elderly – what is the justification to hurt everyone economically? >>
In my opinion, it is dangerous for my father to drive due to his age – what should I do? >>
Insemination with Sperm from a Killed Soldier – Follow-up >>
Insemination with Sperm from a Killed Soldier >>
Is it permissible to lie to a patient? >>
Should We Provide a Caretaker for our Father Against His Wishes? >>
Is it permissible to lie to our elderly father in order for him to agree to have a caretaker? >>
Is it Permissible to Perform an Autopsy When There are no Signs of Abuse? >>
Mom Doesn’t Want a Nasogastric Tube to be Inserted. Should We Agree? >>
Forced Feeding of Patients in a State of Malnutrition >>
Halacha in Relation to Drafting Advance Directives >>
Can we help a seriously-ill loved one say vidui if recovery might still be an option? >>
Seder Night With a Mother Suffering from Dementia >>

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