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Online webinar: Caring for loved ones with Dementia during the holidays

To Redeem from Loneliness

On Life and Death

Preparing for the Final Departure

Is There a Halachic Obligation to Fight for a Patient’s Life? What of Actively Ending a Patient’s Life?

Does the Family Always Represent the Patient’s Best Interests?

The Holiday Season for a Person with Dementia

Does Confidentiality Exist After Death?

Ruling: One Should Not Use the Sperm of a Deceased IDF Soldier

Abstaining from Treatment of ALS and Assisted Euthanasia – Comparing and Contrasting Psak Halacha with Judicial Rulings

Ethical and Halachic Challenges in Caring for Loved Ones with Dementia

Chapter 21 | Conclusion

Chapter 20 | Recommendations for Filling out Medical Power of Attorney forms and Living Wills

Chapter 19 | Power of Attorney and Living Wills

Chapter 18 | The Status of the Family in the Decision-Making Process

Chapter 17 | Telling a Patient the Truth About His Medical Condition

Chapter 16 | Praying for a Terminally Ill Patient

Chapter 15 | Treatment of a Patient in a Persistent Vegetative State (PVS)

Chapter 14 | The Fulfillment of Mitzvot by a Dementia Patient

Chapter 13 | Medical and Nursing Care for a Dementia Patient

Chapter 12 | Painkillers

Chapter 11 | Medication

Chapter 10 | Artificial Feeding

Chapter 9 | Artificial Respiration

chapter 8 | Treating a Patient Whose Chances of Survival Are Very Low

Chapter 7 | Providing Treatment for the Relief of Suffering on Shabbat, or When Treatment Conflicts with Another Halakhic Prohibition

Capter 6 | Life-Prolonging Treatment for a Patients In Pain

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