צהר לאתיקה לוגו מלא

The Abridged Edition of our Booklet Compiling the Main Topics Surrounding Terminally Ill Patients and People with Dementia

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“Stand up in the presence of the elderly and show respect for the aged" – Jewish tradition places the obligation to pay attention to the honor and position of the elderly in society on a pedestal. This obligation is intensified by the relationship we have with our parents, of whom we are commanded to respect in particular.
The process of aging and the weakening of the body and mind leads to much conflict between the value of human life, of which it is stated “and you should live by them" and trumps almost all other values in our lives, and the suffering and distress, as well as a significant decline in cognitive functioning at times, that some of the elderly experience in the last couple months of their lives. Rarely, this conflict also occurs in the lives of young people.
These situations are accompanied by complex halachic questions with important ramifications. The booklet sent to you fundamentally presents the ethical and halachic approach to ruling halacha in these domains.
Alongside this, these issues are genuine matters of life and death and responding to them requires a deep familiarity with medicine, halacha, and intensive contemplation. Therefore, determining the halacha for each issue requires an innovative analysis including understanding the physical and psychological condition of the patient and their suffering. Above all, one requires an empathetic and listening heart towards the patient and their family, who wish to do what is good and just in the eyes of God and man.
With the help of the wonderful staff of trained rabbis and social workers as well as a professional consulting team including specialists, the initiative “Tzohar Ad 120" of Tzohar Rabbinical Organization – led by Rabbis Yuval Cherlow, Uriel Ganzel, and Yaron Moskovitz – provides guidance, advice, and assistance for many situations that we regularly deal with.
All those who engage in this holy work should be blessed by Hashem. 

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