דילוג לתוכן

Ethical and Halachic Challenges

in Caring for Loved Ones with Dementia

Wednesday‭, ‬May 22‭ ,‬2024‭ | ‬8.30-9.30‭ ‬p.m(‬Israel Time‭)

Dr‭. ‬Dana Peer

Gerontologist, Occupational
therapist and dementia specialist

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

Director of the
Tzohar Center for
Jewish Ethics

An Online Panel

Session 2:

Observance of Halachot and Mitzvot for Dementia Patients

Session 1:

Understanding Communication and Behavior Challenges in Dementia Patients


The online program is free and will be presented in English

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Providing halachic and ethical support services for families and medical professionals

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